Sunday, November 25, 2007

Group Photo

Group One

- Food Valley @ Village Walk Concept. The twin tower leaders Lingam and Sanawi supported by Board of Directors Ooi Eng Soon, Nursalmizah, Fairol Aini & Faisal @ Pesod

Hidup - Group One.. Thank you for your contribution and effort in making a good team and the best Urban Master Plan 2007.

Group 3

Masterplan Concept - Metropolis Urban Oasis

Sitting - CEO - Mr A.J

from left - CCO (Chief Compile Officer) - Soo ; CGBO (Chief Group Balancing Officer) - Eason ; CFO (Chief Financial Officer)- Leen ; CRO (Chief Report Officer)- Shuib ; CRO (Chief reminder Officer) - Nik & CGO (Chief Group Officer) - Fazli

Friday, November 23, 2007

Urban Design pun telah berlalu..Markah pun dah keluar. Adakah anda puas hati dengan markah anda? Bagaimana pula dengan group anda, adakah anda puas hati dengan ketua dan members yg lain group anda? Mesti ade konflik dan crisis..ceritakan pengalaman ngeri anda?

Adakah anda sanggup dengan kumpulan yang sama pada masa akan datang?
Jawab A - kalau anda memang suka bergabung balik dgn group lama anda..
Jawab B - Tidak kisah jika dapat group lama balik..
Jawab C - Memang sanggup lagi nak group yang sama...
Jawab D - Sorry, sampai habis graduation tak nak jumpa group niiii balik.ishykkkk..dah serik.

Bagaimana dengan leader group anda?
Jawab A - Patut di contohi dan di teladani
Jawab B - Oklah tapi kena improve sikit
Jawab C - Tak patut jadi leader
Jawab D - Tak patut ambik architecture langsung..Dasar Hipokrit..

Bagaimana dengan studio master anda?
Jawab A - Excellent Studio Master - objective achieved
Jawab B - Good Studio Master -Fairly great ideas n motivation
Jawab C - Reasonable - border line - have to improve
Jawab D - Poor - (komen sendiri laa)

So dengan diumumkan award for students :-

1) Best Budget Hotel Design - Sanawi @ Awi
2) Best spider web design - Fairol -bluesheartbeat
3) Best Colour of Lights (Deepavali) - Liza & Eissen
4) Student kelentong tapi tak lepas - Shuib (saya cuba serapkan teknologi baru iaitu Lif)
5) Student kelentong yang selalu lepas - AJ (macam2 nak buat..) greenbelt la..LRT laa
6) Best Ratu Jamu Design - Nursalmizah Rhisome
7) Student yg suka bodek lecturer - Lee Kah Yoong @ Jim ( asyik ajak lecturer makan je..lecturer buat tak layan je..kesian...
8) Best Toy Car Racing - Tajmizi - Tamiya Design (haprak laaa anyway good attempt)
9) Best Youth Centre Design - Mr Fadzli (youth centre dia kat Jalan Belia - respond to road name - contextual respond..)

10) Best Water Colour presentation until wet the whole drawing - Mr Lingam (next time pakai crayon la weeeiii)

11) Student yg paling tak sabar nak submit upgrade individual design - Fairol ( seminggu sebelum date line dah siap beb...tak tahu bila dateline sebenarnya..mamai dlm class)

12) Student yg boleh pegi beraya ke rumah kekawan & saudara pada ambang assessment - Sanawi @ Awi ( org lain terhegeh hegeh nak finish-up design, mamat ni boleh enjoy...waa cayauk sama luuu..)

13) Best Open Air Jamming Studio - Khairi @ Khai (jamming dalam hujan beb)

14) Best Tuition Centre in KL - Azleen ( Bebudak SPACE bole blajar tuisyen kat sana ke)

15) Student yang paling Brutal - Kak Nik ( First time tgk u marah mcm nii...takut i)

Ok lah yang lain ko org tambah laaaa

teng kiu

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Architecture - what do you think?

Hey guys, this post will be quite intelectual (non-intelectual also can...).

We would like to hear from you What do you think of architecture?

What inspired you?

Whose your favourite architect?

Do you have any specific theory of your own in architecture?

When you started to design, how it is happening?

Do you hate any architects out there? What cause that, the design or theory?


Let share your thought guys!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Dear Friends

Please to be informed that Malaysian University English Test exams is part of external exams

to be completed before our graduation. Kindly enrolled and register in any public school nearby

your neighbouring vicinity. This exam is held twice a year with January intake and July intake that can be consider to register.

So..To our friends that have completed their MUET exams..Please share their good and bad experience in this forum..

Thank you..

Lingam Gunaratnam

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Masters In Architecture

To all SPACE students

I've have suggested to our lecturer Dr.Tajuddin a couple of semesters ago about the intention of some of our SPACE students who interested in enrolling in Masters in Architecture in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
It can by Masters by thesis workbase or Masters by subjects. Dr.Taj suggested to me to take Masters by thesis, where he is conducting some Master students now.
So, im proposing to all students who are interested in pursing their education level to a much greater level..please leave a name and a comment regarding this matter

Thank you

Lingam Gunaratnam

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Urban 2007 assesment, do you like your GRADE?

so guys, how? got enough sleep already? yesterday assesment was the most tiring ever rite?

so after SLEEPLESS nite and non-stop thinking process what do you think of your marks given yesterday?

please leave ur thought on the comment section below!

for me.....for sure i happy what i got, but i should get BETTER than that! huh!

please kick ASS!!!!

hey guys, this is a blog for architects wannabe only....not for a already an if u guys think u r an architect already please leave this blog...

